Letter from the President

        Welcome to Augusta University! My name is Mikayla Klerk, and I am the current President of the ZTA Chapter here at Augusta University!

        If you haven't already signed up for recruitment, then I hope this will encourage you to do so. Augusta University has an amazing Greek Life community that will provide you with endless support and opportunities. We know the transition into college can be overwhelming, but by joining a sorority you'll be surrounded by women who will be there to help you every step of the way!

        With that being said, being a PNM can seem scary, but going through recruitment is one of the greatest experiences you can have in college. Our goal, not only as a sorority, but Greek Life as a whole, is to help you find your forever home. Maybe you don't know anyone else going through recruitment yet, that's completely okay! You're going to have the opportunity to meet so many girls and make so many new friends. You will never go through the process alone, just like you will never experience college life alone when you join a sorority. 

        Zeta Tau Alpha has helped me grow in ways I never could have imagined.  Not too long ago, I was in your shoes. I was just a small town girl looking for a sense of "home" in a new city. When I joined ZTA. I found a group of girls who were proud to call me their sister, who celebrated in my triumphs, and who saw potential in me before I saw it in myself. My ZTA sisters pushed me to my fullest potential in ways I never imagined when I first stepped foot on Augusta University campus. As cheesy as it sounds, ZTA is my forever home, and I know I will never be alone. I can say with full confidence that Zeta Tau Alpha has played a major role in making me the woman I am today, and my college experience would not be the same without my sisters by my side. 

        This experience is what we want for you! We want you to find your home in Greek Life, and there's no better way to do that than through Recruitment! 

        We cannot wait to see you all in September and welcome you into the Augusta University community! 

Zeta Love, 

      Mikayla Klerk

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