We take pride in the depth and scope of our sisters' involvement on campus. One of the requirements of ZTA membership is to be involved in at least one other non-ZTA club or organization which helps promote well-roundedness within our chapter.
Here are just a few examples of other organizations that our sisters participate in:
- Honors Program & Honors Program Student Association
- 1828 Ambassadors
- Pre-Nursing Society
- Biology Club
- Campus Outreach
- Delight Ministries
- Student Government Association
- Greek Council
- Panhellenic Executive Council
- Student Anthropology Society
- History Club
- Psychology Club
- Political Science Club
- Women's Studies Student Association
- and many, many more...
Being the oldest sorority on campus, our chapter is always being sought out by members of the campus and local community to participate in fundraising and service events!
Recent projects that Eta Mu has been apart of:
- Miracle Mile (annual participation)
- Jagathon (supporting the Children's Hospital of Georgia)
- AU's Day of Service
- Valentines goodie bags and notes for the Children's Hospital of Georgia
- Golf Tournament hosted by Whitney O'Connor
- Big Man on Campus (ZTA Philanthropy event)
- Crown Classic (ZTA Philanthropy Event)
No matter what interests you, a sister is ready and excited to help you find a place on campus to plug in.