Chapter History
The Eta Mu chapter, was chartered at Augusta University in 1972, when collegiate women decided to become part of an amazing tradition of leaders and scholars, a part of the women's fraternity, Zeta Tau Alpha.
Now, 53 years later, Eta Mu has become known for its local community service and dedication to ZTA's national philanthropy, Breast Cancer Education and Awareness. Brought together with common goals, we strive to live our motto "Seek the Noblest" in everything we do and are constantly trying to better ourselves and the community around us.
Priding itself on exemplary leadership, involvement and service, Eta Mu is represented in a variety of campus organizations including Jaguar Miracle, Pre-Dental Club, Delight Ministries, Campus Outreach, The Wesley Foundation, Psychology Club, STEM Society, Health Services Society, Jagelite, FDC, Multicultural Mentorship Program, Honors Program, and much, much more!
The sisters of Eta Mu make up an outstanding group of women who bring their diverse strengths together to form a treasured bond. ZTA allows women to explore what life has to offer while giving them support and friendships that will last a lifetime.